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College Wide Faculty & Student Tutor Workshop

    1. College provides a “motivational carrot” to attract instructors
      • (Loaner Smartpens, stipends, lunch, collaboration with student tutors etc.)
    2. Explore Equity, Universal Learning & Assistive Technology System
    3. Demonstrate assistive technology tools available at the specific school
      • Show examples with specific learning communities & disciplines
      • Illustrate on-demand support for instructors and students
      • Identify how tool(s) can be flexible for different learners
    4. Introduce student tutors as collaborators with teachers
    5. Sharpen instructors skills by creating a feedback loop with Learning Communities and or struggling students
    6. Discuss case management for students using multiple Learning Communities

Embedded Student Tutors & Learning Communities Workshop

    1. Support teachers with technology and student access
    2. Adapt assistive technology class material to specific Learning Communities and individual students 
    3. Bring tutors together from different Learning Communities for case management of underserved students
    4. Provide web based trainings for tutors across all participating schools
    5. Explore technical issues

Follow-up Faculty Workshop

  1. Support faculty with personalizing multisensory tools into their curriculum
  2. Develop a feedback loop between instructors and learning communities
    • Work with Smartxt coach to integrate student feedback into curriculum
    • Train onsite director to oversee project